Apr 24, 2012

Maa I can stand holding my cot!!!

Keeping up with the latest developments of Devaangi!!
Since last week Devaangi is able to stand on her little feet provided she has something to hold on to.  The something to hold on to was typically maa, daadi yaa dadaji ke haath. However Devaangi has a new support to hold and it is the side bars of her very own cot. I had loads of paperwork to finish over the weekend. As generally on weekends and other times when I am at home, Devaangi is mostly with me and so was the case last saturday. With Devaangi around one can forget having paper around as my baccha is sooo found of paper of any sort that she picks it up and tears it to bits and pieces. Since Devaangi was in no mood to sleep so I tries to make her sit in her cot with the toys. The bacha immediately protested as she realized that maa is going to leave her alone. I then made Devaangi stand while making her hold the sides of the cot. Devaangi was still protesting when I started playing with her by hiding my face behind her snake and then appearing again. Slowly while enjoying this game of hide and seek Devaangi held firmly to the sides of the cot and was able to balance on her feet. Phir kya tha I went back to the bed and started working while my darling bacha was standing firmly on her feet while letting out screams of joy and calling out to papa.  
And since then bacha is enjoying standing in the cot. She sees herslf in the mirror opposite to where she stands, pulls her snake, bends to pick her toys, jumps , moves back and forth and lets out squeals of laughter. It is a delight to see the joy Devaangi basks into while standing and trying to move around. In fact she tries to move around in the cot in particular to pull the winne the pooh’s of her cot musical toy which has since then be removed to avoid accidents.
Great going bacha, at this rate you should soon be walking around!!!

1 comment:

~nm said...

Way to go Devaangi!

And mommy dear, its time for you to keep an extra vigil.