May 15, 2012

A B C D... i m learning alphabets

I know it's too late to publish this but what i had done during thetimes when i was running between home, hospital, office and naani house, i was writing snippets and keeping them in draft so that i could complete and publish them later on. this is what I am doing with this post!!! This one was originally written on 15 May.

i know it sounds as though we have been pushing Devaangi into learning early but lemme assure you this is not the case. Devaangi on her own is choosing alphabets that she likes and keeps saying then throughout the day!!!
the first alphabet that Devaangi learnt was M and i guess she picked up this letter from maa, mummy or mum words that we would use while speaking to her. Whole day Devaangi would keep uttering M M M.... bus phir kya tha like all other activities she soon got bored of MM and one night we had switched all lights and were just going to sleep when Devaangi started saying Bey bey Bey... yes bacha had found a new letter. since then we have so much of laugh when we hear Devaangi say bey bey bey as it sounds bebbey... and u know the reason why? we are panjus, and in punjabi bebbe stands for old lady!!!
just waiting for pucha to start speaking!!!

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