Apr 2, 2014

mama i can crawl and move about!!!

yes the title says it all!!! Shivaangi has learnt to crawl and now it is very difficult to keep her at a place. We have kept the furniture in our house to a bare minimum so that both the kids have ample space to move around and play. Trust me both the girls make full use of this arrangement. If Shivaangi is not in her bed then we have actually started looking on the floor before moving around- you never know when Shivaangi was crawl and come around!!!!!

One of Shivaangi's favorite place is kitchen.. If  ma or nani are in kitchen and Shivaangi is in the drawing room, then sooner or later Shivaangi will crawl and find her way in to the kitchen!!! In fact it became so scary on 30th when i left milk to boil on gas and went to my room for a minute. I took some time and forgot all about the milk. When i went back to the kitchen I found milk had boiled and was now flowing over the floor. I am sure you can guess the shock that i got when i found shivaangi merrily sitting next to the milk flowing on the floor.
 My bacha was just saved!!!

Shivaangi has learnt to stand on her own

28th Mar when when Shivaangi first managed to stand on her own by holding on to the sankhera. And it was just the begining!!! There on Shivaangi wants to stand on her own all the time by holding on to whatever she can lay her hands on!!!

Conversation between Devaangi and papa

Papa to Shivaangi: mera golu kaisa hai
Devaangi: papa yeah golu nahi golu molu hai... Golu to mamma hai!!!!

(P.S i didn't know where to look)

Shivaangi's first holi

We celebrated Shivaangi's first holi on 17th Mar 2014.
The day started with applying tikka on our Guruji's pics in our house mandir. You will not believe it that by evening on two of Guruji's pictures, the tikka had taken the shape of om. It's Guruji's way of blessing our bacha!!
We applied colors to Shivaangi for shagun- after all this was Shivaangi's first holi!!!

But i think the person who enjoyed it the most was  Devaangi!!! Devaangi was excited when papa applied colors to her face. However when Devaangi first saw herself in the mirror she wasn't too happy. In sometime she however got used to her new look. Then there was no stopping her and Devaangi enjoyed playing with pichkari and colors....

God bless both my bachas!!!!